Pressure IH Rice Cooker〈炊きたて〉JPA-X100

Transform the flavor of your rice
according to the season and the brand

New Rice Homare-Daki
Limited TimeSpecial rice cooking program to be distributed
From September 15, 2022 to around the end of January 2023
Limited TimeSpecial rice cooking program to be distributedFrom September 15, 2022 to around the end of January 2023
Depending on the region, the new rice of the year is harvested from around the end of August. New rice contains a lot of water and requires some finesse to cook well.
The JPA-X100 offers a special rice cooking program just for the new rice season, which allows you to select the cooking method that is best suited for new rice.
Regularly updated with the latest rice cooking programs
Cook rice with our unique rice cooking technologyRice Brand-Specific Cooking
Use the app to bring even more joy to your meals.
It provides convenient functions such as automatic reordering and monitoring.Tiger Home
App -
For a more convenient and easy
rice cooking experienceRice Cooking Menu
Easy Cleaning
Support Information

Tiger Home App Compatible Models
Click on the links below to download the Tiger Home app
that links to the JPA-X100
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