Chat Terms & Conditions








  1. 本サービスでは、お客様の個人情報の入力を求めることはございませんので、お客様は個人情報を入力しないでください。お客様が個人情報を入力したことなどにより、当社がお客様の個人情報などを取得した場合、当社は当該個人情報などを当社のプライバシーポリシーに基づき、取扱いをいたします。
  2. 当社は、本サービスによるお客様との応対履歴(個人情報を含みます)を、応対品質の向上およびお問い合わせ内容などの事後的な確認のために、当社所定の方法により、所定の期間、適正な方法により記録、保存いたします。
  3. 当社の許可なく、本サービスの内容をSNSなどの外部に転記することを禁止します。


  1. 本サービスは、当社所定のウェブページから、日本語の文字により、当社が提供するサービスに関する一般的な事項について、お問い合わせいただいた場合に、当社がリアルタイムに文字により回答するものとし、次の各号に掲げるお問い合わせについては回答いたしかねます。
  2. 前項(1)ないし(3)に掲げる場合について、当社はお客様に対し、電話またはメールなどその他の方法によるお問い合わせをご案内することができるものといたします。
  3. 本サービスは、別途当社が定める受付時間に限りご利用いただけます。電話、メール、その他のお問い合わせ方法と受付時間が異なる場合がございます。



  1. お客様の入力した文字が文字化けなどにより判断できない場合
  2. 当社からの回答後、5分を経過してもお客様からの返答がない場合
  3. 1回のお問い合わせに対する対応時間が30分を超過した場合
  4. 当社または当社従業員などに対する誹謗中傷、嫌がらせなど、本サービスの利用目的に合致しないと当社が判断した場合
  5. お問い合わせに対して、通常必要とされる回答を行った、と当社が判断した場合
  6. お客様から同一内容のお問い合わせが重複して到達した場合
  7. 電話、メールなど、本サービス以外の方法により、対応することが適切であると当社が判断した場合
  8. 本サービスによる対応を継続することがふさわしくないと当社が判断した場合








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Chat Terms & Conditions

Terms and conditions to be agreed upon for communication via chat service

Make sure to acknowledge the following terms of use before using the chat service (hereinafter referred to as the “Service”) of Tiger Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) to contact us. You are required to agree to these terms of use each time you use the Service to contact us.

This chat service is accessible in Japan and available only in Japanese.


The Company is not responsible for all the information provided through the Service being accurate, safe, or useful, or always updated or for any damages caused to you by these things.

Handling of personal information

  1. In the Service, you will never be requested to provide any information about yourself; therefore, please do not do so. If the Company receives information about yourself because you enter such information, the Company will handle such information in accordance with its privacy policy.
  2. The Company will record and store logs of communications with you (including personal information) to improve its response quality and ex-post confirm your inquiry, in an appropriate manner specified by the Company for a specified period.
  3. You are prohibited from posting the content of the Service on an external site such as social networking services without permission from the Company.

What questions you can ask in chat service

  1. In the Service, the Company shall respond in written form to an inquiry given on the webpage specified by the Company in the form of a Japanese text message about general information on the services the Company provides. The Company will not be able to respond to any of the following inquiries:
    [1] inquiries that are not related to the services the Company provides or beyond the scope of responses in the Service;
    [2] inquiries about the history of responses to past inquiries to the Company; and
    [3] inquiries other than the preceding items, to which the Company determined that it would not be able to give a suitable response through the Service.
  2. In the cases listed in the preceding [1] or [3], the Company may advise you to inquire by other means such as by phone or email.
  3. The Service is available for limited hours as separately specified by the Company. The hours may differ from those for which inquiries by phone, email, or other methods are accepted.


The Company may disconnect the Service without your consent if any of the following items apply:

  1. it is impossible to comprehend what you mean because the text you entered is garbled;
  2. no response is given by you after five minutes have elapsed from our response;
  3. the response time for an inquiry exceeds 30 minutes;
  4. it is determined by the Company that your response is not suitable for the purpose of use of the Service, such as malicious slander or harassment against the Company or its employee(s);
  5. it is determined by the Company that a commonly required answer to the inquiry has been given;
  6. the same inquiry is received repeatedly from you;
  7. it is deemed to be appropriate by the Company that it responds to the inquiry by a means other than the Service, such as phone or email; or
  8. the Company deems it to be unsuitable to continue responding to the inquiry via the Service.

Changes to the Service, Etc.

The Company may stop or discontinue the provision of the Service or change the content of the Service at any time by announcing it on the Company’s website.

Recommended environment

The Company recommends that this website is used in the following environment.

Web Browsers

We recommend that you use the following web browsers to view this website. We cannot guarantee normal operation and display of this website if you are viewing it in an environment other than those listed below. For information on updating your browser to the latest version, please check the official website of your browser.


Microsoft Edge latest version
Google Chrome latest version
Safari latest version


Google Chrome Latest version
Safari Latest version

Other settings

Enable JavaScript.

Enable Cookies.

Enable local storage.

Last Updated: August 9 2023