TIGER Online Storeご利用ガイド
Visa ・ Mastercard ・ American Express ・JCB
スマホ決済では、PayPay、メルペイ、楽天ペイ、au PAY をご利用いただけます。
なお、ご利用規約 第5条または第8条(3)に記載のとおり、本サービスにおける禁止事項または第三者から不正アクセスによってクレジットカードおよび電子マネー、クーポン等を不正使用された可能性がある場合、お客様に事前通知することなく対象のご注文をキャンセルとさせていただくことがございます。
- お1人様1回までのご利用となります。
- クーポンは有効期限内でないと適応されませんのでご注意ください。
- ご注文確認画面にて、必ずクーポンが適応されているかご確認ください。
- クーポン利用後の取り消し、別の注文への適用変更は出来ません。
- クーポンの換金/返金は出来ません。
- クーポンの譲渡、交換等は行えません。
- クーポンの使用条件はクーポンコードが記載された紙面もしくはメールをご確認ください。
- 消費税率によって税込み金額は変動します。
1決済のご注文金額が5,000円(税込)未満の場合は、送料550円(税込) となります。
- お届け先が複数の場合、1件あたりのお届け商品が、5,000円(税込)未満となるご注文には送料550円(税込)が必要になります。
- 同一のお客様からの複数回のご注文で合計金額が5,000円(税込)以上となる場合も、1回のご注文の金額が5,000円(税込)未満のご注文にはそれぞれ送料が発生いたします。
- 消費税率によって税込み金額は変動します。
- 家電製品等、他の製品と一緒にご注文の場合は、通常配送となります。
午前中 8時~12時、14時~16時、16時~18時、18時~20時、19時~21時からお選びいただけます。
- 「ネコポス」はポストへの投函となりますので、時間指定はできません。
- 購入者様による商品の受取り辞退等でお取引が成立しなかった場合でも決済手数料がかかります。
- 決済手数料には運賃、振込手数料、収入印紙代は含まれておりません。
- 1件あたりの代金引換額が50,000円(税抜き)以上の場合、印紙代相当額220円(税抜き200円)が必要になります。
- 1回のお支払における代金引換額は300,000円(税抜き)までとなっております。
- 配達時に、代金と引き換えにて商品をお渡しする方法です。
- 必ず弊社からの受注確認メールにてお支払総額・在庫状況・配送状況をご確認ください。
- お支払総額は、(商品代金合計+消費税+代引手数料(税込))
- 代金は商品配送時に配送員にお支払いください。
- 一部地域ではご利用になれません。(その場合はご連絡致します。)
- ヤマト運輸によるお届け先住所変更(転送)時の運賃収受の開始についてはこちら
- 商品の在庫状況、お届け先などにより1週間以上かかる場合がございます。
- 天災や交通事情などの諸事情や、大型連休、年末年始やその他の都合によりお届けが遅れる場合があります。
- 発送済みの場合は、お届け先を変更出来ませんので、ご了承ください。その場合、発送済のお荷物番号をお知らせしますので、お客様ご自身にて配送会社にお問い合わせください。
- 住所不備または長期不在などでお受け取りいただけない場合、弊社への返品を確認後、ご注文キャンセルとさせていただきます。ご入用の場合は、再度ご注文のお手続きをお願いします。
- 当社の責めに帰すべからざる理由によりキズや破損が生じた商品
- 商品到着後、いかなるご連絡もいただかないまま14日以上経過した商品
但し、商品出荷完了後のご注文キャンセルは承っておりません。 お支払方法に関わらず、 運送会社から商品をお受取りいただいたうえで、返品・交換のお手続きをいただくものとします。
商品お届け時 (税込み5000円未満のご購入時のみ)、着払いでご返送いただいた場合の送料および代引き手数料の差額分をご返却させていただきます。
※真空断熱ボトルやエアーポット等は電気製品ではないため、保証はございません。 また、保証書も付属しておりません。
Track DHL Express Shipments(外部サイト)
- 商品の在庫状況、お届け先、天災や交通事情などの諸事情や、大型連休、年末年始やその他の都合によりお届けが遅れる場合があります。
- 当社の責めに帰すべからざる理由によりキズや破損が生じた商品
- 商品到着後、いかなるご連絡もいただかないまま30日以上経過した商品
- お客様のミス(注文間違いなど)による交換
- セール品の交換や払い戻しは致しません
領収書発行には、TIGER FORESTへの会員登録後、マイページより発行が可能です。
ただし、領収書の発行はクレジットカード決済の場合のみ可能です。 領収書が必要な場合は、クレジットカードでのお支払方法をご利用ください。
TIGER FOREST(タイガーフォレスト)ご登録のご案内
お客様にタイガー製品を末永くご愛用いただくために、 タイガー魔法瓶会員サイト「TIGER FOREST」に登録をお願いしております。
会員登録とお買い上げの製品登録をしていただきますと、 さまざまなサービスやお得な情報をお届けいたします。
TIGER FORESTに会員登録をして頂くと、ストアでかんたんにお買い物をしていただけます。
TIGER FORESTからのキャンペーン情報等をお受け取りいただけます。メールマガジンの受信設定は、ご自身で変更可能です。
ローソン / ファミリーマート / デイリーヤマザキ / ミニストップ
- ローソン/ファミリーマート/ミニストップ
各コンビニエンスストア端末で「受付番号」(または「お客様番号」)と「確認番号」をご入力・お手続き後、端末より発行される「申込券」をお持ちの上、レジにてお支払いください。 - デイリーヤマザキ
※、、、au.com等スマートフォン、携帯電話のメールアドレスの場合、 受信設定等によりメールがお届けできない場合がございます。必ずPCメールアドレスをご入力ください。
- コンビニでの代金のお支払い期限は、ご注文日から10日以内となります。
- お支払い期限日(23:59:59)までにご入金が確認できない場合、ご注文はキャンセルとなります。
- お支払い後の注文キャンセルはできませんので、あらかじめご了承ください。
- コンビニ決済には別途一律220円(税込)の手数料が発生します。
- 原則お支払い後のキャンセルは承っておりません。いかなる理由であっても、お支払い後にご注文のキャンセルをされる場合は、お支払い時に発生した決済手数料は返金の対象外です。商品代(+送料+ギフト代)のみのご返金となりますこと、ご了承ください。
- 振込票や払込票はお送りしておりません。
- コンビニで発行される払込控えが領収書となります。マイページからの領収書発行や、弊社から個別にて手書きの領収書は発行できませんのでご注意くださいませ。
- 返品返金をご希望の場合、商品代金はお客様ご指定の口座へご返金いたします。
- 1個口でお支払い総額が272,727円(税込299,999円)を超える場合、コンビニ決済をご利用いただけません。
スマホ決済では、PayPay、メルペイ、楽天ペイ、au PAY をご利用いただけます。
スマホをご使用の場合は、該当の決済アプリがインストールされているスマホでPayPay、メルペイ、楽天ペイ、au PAY のいずれかのお支払方法を選択しますと、自動的にお客様のアカウントが立ち上がり(楽天ペイの場合は楽天ペイのサイトに遷移し)、ご決済を完了できます。
- 各Pay毎にお支払い期限がございますので、ご注意ください。
- マイページからの領収書発行や、弊社から個別にて手書きの領収書は発行できませんのでご注意くださいませ。
- 返品返金をご希望の場合、商品代金は各Pay経由でのご返金となります。
Online Store Shopping Guide
Payment Methods
When placing an order, choose a desired payment method on the shopping cart screen.
Credit cards
You can use the following credit cards for payment.
Visa ・ Mastercard ・ American Express ・JCB
Each payment will be fixed after the order has been placed. If you want to cancel an order, we will refund the payment individually.
If you use a credit card for payment of the order, the amount paid will be refunded via the credit card company. Note in advance that a charge will arise once and then the amount paid will be refunded depending on the closing date. The refund will be made via the credit card company in the next month or two months after the billing date and marked with a minus sign on the credit card company’s statement (the expression may vary by company).
Payment at convenience stores
You can pay at any of the following convenience stores.
Family Mart
Daily Yamazaki/Yamazaki Daily Store
Check the number notified to you after the order has been placed and make payment for the order at any of the convenience stores above.
Note that it may take a number of days for you to receive the ordered product because we ship it after confirming your payment. If you request to return the product and receive a refund for it after making payment at a convenience store, the amount paid for the product will be paid back to your account.
Click here for details of paying at convenience stores
Mobile payment
For mobile payment, you can use PayPay, Merpay, or Rakuten Pay.
If you request to return the product and receive a refund for it, the amount paid for the product will be paid back to you via the payment app you used for the payment for the product.
*Note that the specified payment deadline differs depending on the payment app you use.
Click here for details of mobile payment
As stated in Article 5 or Article 8 (3) in Terms of Use, if there is a possibility of unauthorized use of your credit card, electronic money, or coupons by acts prohibited in this service or unauthorized access by a third party, the applicable orders may be cancelled without prior notice to the customers.
How to Use Coupons
After clicking [To Purchase Procedure], enter the coupon code on the screen to enter the delivery address and then press [Apply].
- Coupons can be used only one time by one person.
- Note that coupons are applicable only within the validity period.
- Make sure that the coupon has been applied on the order confirmation screen.
- You cannot cancel the application of a coupon or apply it to another order after using it.
- You cannot convert coupons into cash or have them refunded.
- You cannot convert coupons into cash or have them refunded.
- For the conditions of use of coupons, see the page or email containing the coupon code.
You can print a receipt by yourself by clicking [Print Receipts] from My Page > Order History > View Details.
Instruction Manuals
Instruction Manuals Data
Giving consideration to the environment, we do not include paper instruction manuals in some of the products sold on this site.
For these products, refer to the instruction manuals by reading the QR code attached to the product or clicking the URL provided.
To see the instruction manuals of the following products, click on the following links.
Vacuum-insulated custom bottles (MXV-E and MXP-A001/A002/B001/B002/E001/F001/G001)
Vacuum-insulated custom bottles (MCZ-D and MCZ-E/F)
Vacuum-insulated custom bottles for carbonated drinks (MTA-C and MTA-D/E)
Shipping within Japan
Destinations within Japan
Shipping Charges
- The amount including tax may vary depending on the consumption tax rate.
If your order amount is 5,000 yen or more (including tax) per payment, you can enjoy free shipping no matter where the destination is.
If your order amount is less than 5,000 yen (including tax) per payment, you will be charged 550 yen (including tax) for shipping.
- If there is more than one destination and the value of product(s) delivered to each destination is less than 5,000 yen (including tax), you will be charged 550 yen (including tax) for shipping to each destination.
- If the total amount of your orders is 5,000 yen or more (including tax) but the amount of each order is less than 5,000 yen (including tax), you will be charged for shipping of each order.
Shipping Charges for Replacement Gaskets
- The amount including tax may vary depending on the consumption tax rate.
For an order for only four or fewer replacement gaskets, we will use Nekopos, a YAMATO TRANSPORT service of small parcel delivery to a mailbox for the delivery of the ordered product(s).
For shipping by Nekopos, you will be charged 330 yen (including tax).
The Nekopos service provides a delivery to a mailbox; therefore, we do not accept payment by cash on delivery (COD).
If you request payment by COD or prefer not to use Nekopos for the delivery of your order, contact our service office.
Then, we will arrange the shipment of your order by a standard delivery service.
Please note that, in this case, you will have to do the order process again to pay for the shipping charge of 550 yen (including tax) and the ordered product(s) will be shipped only after you do the process.
- If you order a replacement gasket together with other products such as home appliances, they will be shipped by a standard delivery service.
Delivery Time
Delivery time period: We offer delivery by YAMATO TRANSPORT at a specified time.
You can choose a desired time period from the following options: in the morning 8:00 to 12:00, 14:00 to 16:00, 16:00 to 18:00, 18:00 to 20:00 and 19:00 to 21:00.
- For shipping by Nekopos, you cannot specify a delivery time because the ordered product(s) will be delivered to your mailbox.
- Even if you refuse to receive the product you purchased and cancel the order, you will still be charged the COD payment commission.
- The payment commission does not include the freight, transfer fee, or revenue stamp fee.
- If the COD amount per payment is 50,000 yen or more (excluding tax), you will be charged 220 yen (200 yen excluding tax) equivalent to the revenue stamp fee as the commission.
- The maximum acceptable COD amount per payment is 300,000 yen (excluding tax).
Delivery Method
We will ship the ordered product(s) within one week from the receipt of your order.
The delivery will be made by YAMATO TRANSPORT. Please note that you cannot specify a delivery company.
Delivery Date
The ordered products are usually delivered about one week after the receipt of the order.
If you order a product together with aproducts with shipping schedule display, the product will be packed and shipped together with the products with shipping schedule display.
As soon as a shipping date is fixed for the products with shipping schedule display, we will send an email notifying you of the expected shipping date to the email address you entered at the time of purchase.
- It may take more than one week depending on the inventory status of the product or the delivery destination.
- The delivery may be delayed due to circumstances beyond our control such as natural disasters and traffic situations and various reasons including a long holiday season, the New Year holidays, and others.
Delivery Destination
Specify a delivery destination on the order screen. If you have already registered any destination, the registered address is displayed.
If you have already registered more than one address, you may specify any of them.
If you want to change the address, edit the registered address or select [Add a new address] to register a new address.
- Note that, when the ordered product(s) has already been shipped, you cannot change the delivery destination. In this case, we will notify you of the tracking number of the shipped package as requested, so that you can contact the delivery company by yourself.
- If the ordered product(s) is not received because of an insufficient address or absence of the recipient for a long time, we will cancel the order after confirming the product(s) has been returned to us. If necessary, place an order again for the product(s).
The shipping methods such as leaving packages unattended or holding them at courier offices.
We do not accept any special shipping methods such as leaving packages unattended or holding them at courier offices in our online store. Once the shipment is completed, we will notify you by an automatic email. Please contact the courier directly with the tracking number to discuss the delivery method. Also, if you happen to be absent when the delivery is attempted, a notice will be left and you can change the delivery date and time based on that notice.
Return and Replacement
Return and Replacement
Contact us within 14 days after the arrival of the ordered product and return it to us.
However, we cannot replace products in any of the following cases:
- Products damaged for a reason not attributable to us;
- Products for which at least 14 days have passed without any notification given to us since their arrival;
For how to return products, see the following.
For Defective Products
If any of the products delivered are defective, contact us within 9 days after their arrival and send them back to us freight collect within 14 days. For return shipping of defective products, we will pay the shipping charge.
After confirming the returned product, we will ship a conforming product to you freight prepaid or refund the amount paid to you.
Returning Products for Your Personal Reasons
When you return the received product for your personal reason, such as because the product is different from what you imagined or expected, we will replace it with another product or refund your payment only if the product is unused and intact.
We do not accept cancellation of an order after the shipment of the ordered product is completed. Regardless of the payment method, you shall receive the product from the delivery company and then take the steps to return and replace it.
To return the product for your personal reason, make sure to send it back to us freight prepaid.
Note that we will refund only the price of the product returned. We will not refund the charge for the noshi orwrapping paper/eco bag because they are packaging materials.
We will pay back the difference between the shipping charge paid for the delivery of the product (only when the amount of purchase is less than 5,000 yen including tax) and the shipping charge and COD commission incurred for the return shipping freight collect.
If you want to change the ordered product, you will be requested to return the delivered product to us so that we can refund the amount paid for the product, and then you will have to place a new order for a desired product.
To return/replace the product, read the above and make sure to contact us using the inquiry form in advance.
Product Warranty
The electric products come with the manufacturer’s warranty.
For the warranty information including warranty period, see the manufacturer’s warranty cards included in the products.
*Some of the products come with their instruction manuals incorporating the warranty cards.
*For Vacuum Insulated Bottles and air pots, no warranty is offered because they are not electric products. Therefore, such products come with no warranty cards.
*If you use products designed specifically for use inside Japan overseas, this is not covered under the warranty.
We do not put a stamp on warranty cards for products on this site. Instead, we handle the delivery cards included in the packages of products at the time of shipment as proof of purchase. Please keep the delivery cards together with the warranty cards in a safe place because the delivery cards will be required to use the manufacturer’s warranty.
Shipping outside Japan
Shipping Regions
Outside Japan, we can only ship ordered products to the United States and Canada.
Applicable Products
Vacuum Insulated Bottles (only some of them)
Shipping Charges
We use a delivery service provided by DHL for international shipping. Customers who ordered the products will have to pay our designated shipping charges. If you purchase from overseas, Japanese consumption taxes will be excluded from the charged amount. The shipping charges to be paid on this site do not include customs duties or value added tax. Customs duties and value added tax, if any, are to be paid to the delivery company by the recipients of the products.
If the retention period expires due to an insufficient address or refusal to receive the products, they will be returned to us and the customers who ordered the products will be charged additionally for the return shipping and redelivery.
Customs Duties
In all circumstances, the customers who ordered products are responsible for paying customs duties on the ordered products and submitting all documents required by the customs in their own countries. If they refuse to pay the taxes, the parcels will be returned to us. Then, we will refund the amount minus the shipping charge claimed by the delivery company and the return shipping charge to each of the customers.
Delivery Method
The ordered products are usually shipped from our distribution warehouse and delivered by DHL within one week after the receipt of the order.
As soon as a shipping date is fixed for the products with shipping schedule display, we will send an email notifying you of the expected shipping date to the email address you entered at the time of purchase.
For the delivery status after the completion of shipment, check the DHL website with the tracking number given in the email notifying you of the completion of shipment, which we will send to you.
Track DHL Express Shipments (external site)
- The delivery may be delayed depending on the inventory status of the product(s) or the delivery destination or due to circumstances beyond our control such as natural disasters and traffic situations and various reasons including a long holiday season, the New Year holidays, and others.
Cancelling Orders
After shipment of ordered products, we do not accept any cancellation, return of products, or refund for the customers’ personal reasons no matter what the reasons are.
Returning Defective Products
If any of the products delivered are defective, we will refund the amount paid for them. Contact us within 30 days after their arrival.
For any inquiries, send us information including your name and email address, the order number and name of the product to be returned, and photo(s) if available by email to
We will send you an invoice for return shipping by email. Print the invoice and attach it to the product to be returned, and send it back to us. For return shipping of defective products, we will pay the shipping charge.
After confirming the returned product, we will refund the amount paid by the payment method that you used on this site.
However, we cannot replace products in any of the following cases:
- Products damaged for a reason not attributable to us;
- Products for which at least 30 days have passed without any notification given to us since their arrival;
- Replacement of products due to mistakes made by the customers (such as products ordered by mistake); or
- Replacement of or refund on products on sale.
Delivery Service
While giving first priority to the safe delivery of precious products to the customers, we are taking eco-friendly actions to save materials. We would appreciate your understanding for our efforts.
We ship products in the following two packing forms.
Products packed in individual packaging boxes with cushioning materials
・Rice cookers/electric kettles/electric skillets/electric grill pan/toaster oven, etc.
These products are shipped with the delivery slips directly affixed to their individual packaging boxes. We are working on saving materials as an eco-friendly effort.

<Conceptual image of delivery slip directly affixed to individual packaging box)
If it is inconvenient to have the delivery slip affixed directly to the individual packaging box because you want to use the box for gift wrapping or storage, please leave a comment in the Remarks field on the shopping cart screen when purchasing a product so that we can pack the product as shown below.

<Conceptual image of packing with shipping box + cushioning material>

<Conceptual image of packing before shipment>

<Conceptual image of the Remarks field on the shopping cart screen>
Products packed in individual packaging boxes without cushioning materials
– Electric kettles/Vacuum Insulated Bottles/vacuum bottles are packed in corrugated cardboard boxes with cushioning materials. *For a conceptual image of packing, see the above <Conceptual image of packing with shipping box + cushioning materials>.
Gift Services
Tiger’s online store offers gift services.
After adding a product to the shopping cart, select a desired gift service from Wrapping paper + Noshi (free of charge), Wrapping paper only, and Ribbon*. Then, we will gift wrap the product for a charge.
If you purchase multiple products, we will gift wrap each of them.
*Note that the gift wrapping available varies depending on the product.
You can select only one type of gift wrapping per order. Note that you cannot select more than one type of gift wrapping at the same time. We do not accept purchase of only the packaging materials (wrapping paper + noshi (free of charge), wrapping paper, and ribbon).
Wrapping paper + Noshi (free of charge): 550 yen (including tax)
The product packed in the individual packaging box will be wrapped with Tiger’s online store original wrapping paper with noshi (free of charge) affixed to it and delivered to the specified destination. As noshi (free of charge), a strip of noshi is available. Specify the “title of gift” and the “name of the giver” to be added in the Remarks field. If nothing is specified in the Remarks field, the inner noshi will be applied and no title of gift or name of the giver will be added to the noshi.
Note that, if the product size is too large to be covered completely with the wrapping paper, the box will be wrapped partially with the paper.

<Conceptual image of Wrapping paper + Noshi (for outer noshi)>
<Conceptual image of Partial wrapping + Noshi (outer noshi)>

<Conceptual image of the Remarks field on the shopping cart screen>
*Wrapping paper is available only in the design above.
Wrapping paper only: 550 yen (including tax)
The product packed in the individual packaging box will be wrapped with Tiger’s online store original wrapping paper and delivered to the specified destination. Note that, if the product size is large, the box will be wrapped partially with the paper. *For the image of packaging, see the image of packing of Wrapping paper + Noshi (free of charge).
*We do not accept the combination of Wrapping paper + Noshi (free of charge) with Ribbon.
*We do not accept the combination of Only wrapping paper with Ribbon.
*Note that, for the following products, the gift wrapping using Wrapping paper + Noshi (free of charge) or Only wrapping paper are not applicable.
Vacuum-insulated custom bottles, MMP series/Vacuum-insulated custom bottles, MXV series
Vacuum-insulated custom bottles, MCZ series/Vacuum-insulated custom bottles for carbonated drinks, MTA series
Replacement gasket set
Ribbon: 440 yen (including tax)
The product packed in the individual packaging box will be wrapped with Tiger’s online store original ribbon, packed in a delivery box, and then delivered to the specified destination. For products of the vacuum-insulated custom bottle series, the main body and stopper packed in a clear bag (OPP bag) will be wrapped with the ribbon.
You can choose either of red or white ribbons. Specify the desired color in the Remarks field. If no color is specified, a red ribbon will be used.
If you purchase multiple sets of the vacuum-insulated custom bottle series at a time, specify a combination of the sets to be packed together. Unless it is specified, we cannot gift wrap the products and so we will contact you to check the details. We will contact you at the email address that you used when you placed the order.
<Conceptual image of ribbon-wrapped box (red/white)>

<Conceptual image of ribbon-wrapped box of vacuum-insulated custom bottle (red/white)>

*Ribbons are available in the two types of design above. Specify the desired color when you place an order.
*We do not accept the combination of Wrapping paper + Noshi (free of charge) with Ribbon.
*We do not accept the combination of Only wrapping paper with Wrapping with ribbon.
*Note that the tied ribbon may come loose during transportation even though we pack each product with great care.
*Note that Ribbon is not applicable to the following products. Replacement gasket set
Tiger Online Store offers eGift service.
eGift is a service that allows you to send a gift without knowing the recipient’s address.
*Shipping is limited to within Japan.
*Click here for more information about e-Gift
When making a purchase, please enter the exact address of the person making the purchase in the “Shipping Address” field.
In the unlikely event that the recipient’s information is not entered in the e-Gift URL after a certain period of time (5 days), your order will be automatically cancelled.
If the gift recipient enters his or her own information, the gift can be shipped to the address you specify.
We regret that we cannot accommodate address changes or cancellations after the gift recipient has entered their address, nor can we accommodate product or color changes after the eGift purchase.
In the unlikely event that the product you receive is defective, we will replace it. However, please note that we will not be able to accept returns due to customer’s convenience.
We are unable to respond to personal information about the recipient or recipients of the gift for reasons of privacy protection.
We apologize for the inconvenience, but we ask that you please set up your e-mail address to allow the domain “” so that you can receive e-gift e-mails.
About Receipts
Receipts can be issued from My Page after registering as a member of TIGER FOREST.
*Register for TIGER FOREST
*My page
For purchasing multiple products
If you order products in bulk, we may additionally charge you for gift wrapping. In this case, we will send you an estimate to the email address that you entered at the time of purchase after the order has been placed.
Notes for Orders
– Notes for orders
This online store is a product retail site for general consumers. We do not accept purchase of products for resale.
If it is deemed that orders made at this online store are for resale, we may cancel them even after the orders are confirmed.
*We do not accept shipment of products to an address of a store operating an EC site or warehouse of a sales agency including other malls.
Please note that, if a lump-sum purchase of multiple products is made or orders of multiple products to be shipped to a single destination are placed even from different accounts, it may take longer than usual for confirmation until the products are shipped.
– For products with a limit on the quantity that can be ordered (one unit per person, etc.)
Multiple orders placed from an account or orders of multiple units that were placed from different accounts but requested to be shipped to the same destination may be cancelled on a case-by-case basis.
– We pay close attention to the product information provided on this site; however, please understand that, if any error in the images or prices provided on this site is found, we will cancel the relevant orders even after the order confirmation emails are sent to the customers.
– For orders of high value items using a credit card
To prevent unauthorized use of your credit card, your credit card company may check your credit card transaction status. As a result, please understand that it may take longer than usual to arrange and ship the merchandise.
If you are ordering a high value item for the first time, we may ask you to place a new order with pre-payment or other payment methods in order to prioritize your safety. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in such cases.
Member Registration
Guidance for Registering in TIGER FOREST
TIGER FOREST brings joyous harmony to your daily lives
In order for you to use Tiger products for as long as possible, we ask you to register in Tiger Corporation’s member site, TIGER FOREST.
If you register as a member and register the product you purchased, you will receive various services and valuable information.
*To register, you are required to agree to the terms.
Make your shopping smooth!
If you register in TIGER FOREST as a member, you can easily shop at the online store.
*You can also purchase a product without registering as a member.
Make your shopping easy!
While you are logged in, the registered member information is automatically reflected in an entry form so that you can smoothly purchase a product or make an inquiry.
Click here for handling of personal information
Click here to newly register
Registration of delivery destinations
You can register multiple addresses of frequently used delivery destinations.
This will make it easy for you to purchase products at the online store.
Purchase history
You can check the data on your previous purchases of products.
Email newsletters
You can receive information on campaigns and others from TIGER FOREST. You can change the setting for receiving email newsletters by yourself.
Payment at convenience stores
If you select payment at convenience stores, you can pay at any of the following convenience stores.
Note that it may take a number of days for you to receive the ordered product because we ship it after confirming your payment.
Also, note that we do not accept cancellation of an order after payment is made.
Lawson/Family Mart/Daily Yamazaki/Ministop
How to use
- Lawson/Family Mart/Ministop
After entering the “receipt number” (or “customer number”) and “confirmation number” on the terminal at each convenience store, proceed with the steps and then bring the coupon issued on the terminal and make payment at the checkout counter. - Daily Yamazaki
At the checkout counter, present the “payment slip number” and “online payment number” obtained after completing the order and make payment.
The above numbers are notified to you by email at the email address you entered when you placed the order. Please also note that the name of our payment system, “KOMOJU”, will be displayed on the order confirmation screen. Also, please confirm that the name of the payee is “DEGICA” on the payment screen.
(If you make a LINE notification setting, you can receive information on LINE.)
*At email addresses on smartphones and mobile phones such as,,, and, an email notification may not be received successfully depending on the receiving settings. Be sure to enter an email address on your PC.
- The deadline for payment at convenience stores is within 10 days from the order date.
- If payment cannot be confirmed by the payment deadline (23:59:59), the order will be cancelled.
- Note that you cannot cancel an order after making payment.
- A single fee of 220 yen (including tax) will be charged additionally if you select payment at convenience stores.
- Basically, we do not accept cancellation of an order after payment is made. If you cancel an order after making payment for any reason, the payment fee incurred at the time of payment will not be refunded. Note that the amount to be refunded is only the price of the product (+ shipping charge + gift charge).
- Neither a transfer slip nor payment slip will be issued.
- The payment stub that will be issued at the convenience store will serve as the receipt.
- If you request to return the product and receive a refund for it, the amount paid for the product will be paid back to an account specified by you.
- If the total amount of payment per shipment is over 272,727 yen (299,999 yen including tax), you cannot select payment at convenience stores.
Please select payment by credit card.
Mobile payment
How to use
For mobile payment, you can use PayPay, Merpay, or Rakuten Pay.
If you use a smartphone, select a payment method among PayPay, Merpay,Rakuten Pay on the smartphone with these apps installed, and your account automatically opens so that you can complete payment.
If you use a PC, a QR code is displayed on the screen. Then, use a smartphone with any of the payment apps installed to scan the QR code(in the case of Rakuten Pay, you will be redirected to the Rakuten Pay website), and your account automatically opens so that you can complete payment.
- Note that the specified payment deadline differs depending on the payment app you use.
- If you request to return the product and receive a refund for it, the amount paid for the product will be paid back to you via the payment app you used for the payment for the product.